Relation R has eight attributes ABCDEFGH. Fields of R contain only ato...
Here we can see that D is not part of any FD's , hence D must be part of the candidate key.
Now D+ ={ D}.
Hence we have to add A,B,C,E,F,G,H to D and check which of them are Candidate keys of size 2.
We can proceed as
AD+= {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}
Similarly we see BD+ , ED+ and FD+ also gives us all the attributes.Hence AD,BD,ED,FD are definitely the candidate keys.
But CD+ , GD+ and HD+ doesnt give all the attributes hence CD,GD and HD are not candidate keys.
Now we need to check the candidate keys of size 3 . Since AD , BD, ED, FD are all candidate keys hence we can't find candidate keys by adding elements to them as they will give us superkeys as they are already minimal. Hence we have to proceed with CD,GD and HD.
Also we can't add any of {A,B,E,F} to CD, GD, HD as they will again give us superset of {AD,BD,ED,FD} .
Hence we can only add among {C,G,H} to CD, GD, HD.
Adding C to GD and HD we get GCD , HCD. Taking closure and we will see they are not candidate keys.
Adding H to GD we get GHD which is also not a candidate key.(no more options with 3 attributes possible)
Now we need to check for candidate keys with 4 attributes . Since only remaining options are CGH and we have to add D only possible key of size 4 is CGHD whose closure also doesn't give us all of the attributes in the relation(All possible options covered)
Hence no of candidate keys are 4 : AD,BD,ED,FD.